How Facebook Admin Access Works (+ Quick Guide to Granting a Page Role)

Let’s face it … social media is incredibly confusing, especially when it comes to logins and admin access.

Whenever we onboard a new social media account, the most commonly asked question is, “What is Facebook admin access?” and “How do we give Facebook admin access step by step?”

Social Media for Apartments

Unlike other social media platforms (i.e., Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok), Facebook and LinkedIn do not utilize a username/password system for your business page. 

Users are able to access a business page through “admin access,” which essentially means that person has been granted permissions to manage, post, and edit the content on the page (as well as launch and manage ads).

Here are a few frequently asked questions + how to give Facebook admin access step by step.

Will Facebook admin access give the person access to my personal profile?

No, absolutely not! 

Admin access refers to the permissions the person has to the business page only. That person will never have access to your personal Facebook profile.

Whenever we onboard a new client that already has a Facebook or LinkedIn business page, we need access (permissions) to that page so that we can start executing our social media strategy. You can grant these permissions by visiting the Business Settings of your business page and choosing a page role for the desired user (scroll down in this blog for instructions on how to do this).

Can anyone assign a page role on my business page?

No, only admins of the page can add people to your Business Manager. When you launch a business page, we recommend adding a couple of people as admins (to ensure you will have access to the business page even if an employee resigns or is terminated from your company). 

Grant admin access to those who need it to perform their job (i.e., your marketing team, agency, etc.), plus one other trusted individual in the company. This ensures that at least one person will retain access to the account throughout any employee turnover or company changes.

Someone is requesting to become an admin on my business page, do I accept?

No! As your agency, we will never request access without speaking with you about it beforehand. We always explain to our clients how to properly grant admin access and to which members on our team (or social media management team). If you receive a suspicious request for admin access from an outside party, ignore or decline the request. People you don’t trust may create fake accounts and request access to your Business Manager. 

Likewise, Facebook will never ask to access your  Business Manager. If a business that claims it’s Facebook asks you to add them to your Business Manager, it’s not a legitimate request. We recommend denying the request and reporting it to Facebook.

How to grant admin access on Facebook (add a page role)

If you are an admin of your Facebook business page:

  1. From your business page, click on Settings (located at the very bottom of the sidebar menu.
Whenever we onboard a new social media account, the most commonly asked question is, “What is Facebook admin access?” and “How do we give Facebook admin access step by step?”
  1. Click on Page Roles in the left column on the next page.
How to grant admin access on Facebook (add a page role). If you are an admin of your Facebook business page
  1. Type a name or the email associated with the person’s Facebook account in the text box, then select the person from the list that appears. Make sure it is the correct person and confirm with that person before granting access, if needed.
Type a name or the email associated with the person’s Facebook account in the text box, then select the person from the list that appears. Make sure it is the correct person and confirm with that person before granting access, if needed.
  1. Click Editor next to the name in the text box, then select a role from the dropdown menu. We recommend the Page Role “admin” if you are granting access to members from our multifamily marketing agency. “Admin” and “Editor” are the two most common page roles. Admin access will grant them full access to manage, post, edit, and run ads on the account. A Facebook page editor has all of the access of an admin except for adding and assigning page roles.
Click Editor next to the name in the text box, then select a role from the dropdown menu. We recommend the Page Role “admin” if you are granting access to members from our multifamily marketing agency. “Admin” and “Editor” are the two most common page roles. Admin access will grant them full access to manage, post, edit, and run ads on the account. A Facebook page editor has all of the access of an admin except for adding and assigning page roles.
  1. Click Add then enter your personal Facebook password to confirm. Note that you are not granting this person access to your personal page, even though you are typing in your password. You are only granting them access to the business page. Facebook requires your password to confirm that you are not a bot or hacker granting access to an outside party.

Please also note that if you are not friends with the person you are adding to the page roles, they will need to “accept the invite” to become an admin before they can officially manage the business page. 

In most cases, the invite goes to the person’s Facebook notifications or email. However, sometimes this invite does not appear in your notifications. You can visit this page to see and accept/decline any active invitations from Facebook.

How to remove or change a Facebook page role

Are we no longer your multifamily marketing agency (insert sad face here 😔)? Did the person who previously managed your business page leave the company? Or do you just need to change the page roles?

Here is a quick guide on how to remove or change a page role on Facebook, if you are an admin:

  1. From your business page, click on Settings (located at the very bottom of the sidebar menu.
  2. Click on Page Roles in the left column on the next page.
  3. Click Edit next to the person you want to change or remove.
  4. If removing the admin, click Remove in the bottom left corner, then click Confirm.
  5. If changing the admin’s role, click Editor next to the name and change their role, then click Save.
  6. You may need to enter your personal password to confirm the action.

You can also remove yourself from a page (i.e., if you are resigning with the company and no longer need access). However, if you are the page’s only admin, you will need to add another admin first.

If you want to remove another admin, they may need to approve your request before they can be removed. If the request is not actioned within 30 days it may be auto-approved by Facebook. 

For additional help and FAQs about Facebook page roles, visit the help center.

Social Media for Apartments